

"BME delivers outstanding training support as its core function, and the organization delivers so much more to the athletes who proudly wear its marks. Discussions between BME Leaders and the athletes would often span across a range of topics such as maximizing effort in the classroom, the importance of ethics, preparing for media interviews to maximizing their potential on the field by increasing physical strength and speed.  

The collaboration among coaches, trainers, and mentors within the BME organization fostered a safe and competitive environment where the athletes could excel in all facets. BME provided Donovan with support as his village to help him become a well-rounded student, athlete, and young man."

Todd Jackson - Father of Donovan Jackson
“The BME organization lead by Coach Donnie Smith has been instrumental in the growth of my son Dylan not only on the football field but also a young man. The mentoring from former NFL football players at BME and especially Coach Donnie provide confidence and high self-esteem with young athletes while challenging and encouraging them to excel at their crafts and education.  

BME not only teaches and coaches on the football field, but they are there for these young men for advice and recommendations via a phone call or text whenever requested.  In addition, BME does an amazing job of researching, exploring and promoting college opportunities for BME athletes to further their education and football careers.  Coach Donnie  truly makes you feel part of the BME family organization and cares about these young athletes and their future.  My family and I are blessed to be part of the BME family.”

David Caddle - Father of Dylan Caddle
BME is second to none when it comes to grooming young men to walk into their destiny, as solid individuals. BME promotes confidence in one’s work, self respect , discipline, loyalty, grit and a running relationship with The Highest.
As a single mother raising a son chasing his dreams to always excel in the classroom and someday become a professional athlete, BME was and is a God send.
My son Elijah has learned to buy in, and become more and more industrious thanks to BME’s expert experience, strong male influence, and love for the athletes’ and their families. One Million “Thank You!“

Kimberly Bloom - Mother of Elijah Bowser LA TECH University
The BME organization focuses on developing young men not only to be great athletes but also to be productive and responsible members of society.  
BME gives these young athletes a support system and a network of adults and youth that they need while navigating their high school and college years.  The coaching staff focuses on supporting them in areas like college decisions, social media management, interview preparations, community service and so on.  BME has officered my son athletic development as well as consistent positive, safe mentorship that all of us as a family have highly valued as part of our village.  
Ivelisse Torres – Mother of Luis Chavarria Prairie View University
BME is changing lives by using football to teach life lessons and create a belief in young men that they belong in college. BME and its coaches helped turn my son from a pretty talented athlete into a young man who is prepared to succeed when he enrolls at Baylor in January 2023.
Through football, BME has taught him about discipline, hard work and personal responsibility for his choices, lessons that transcend athletics. Also, by teaching these lessons, taking him to tour college campuses, introducing him to current college football players and coaches, BME turned his dream of earning a football scholarship into an expectation, and created a belief in him that college is not just a place he can go but somewhere he belongs. My son’s experience in BME is not unique. BME gives young men the tools to turn a dream of earning a scholarship into an expectation and changes a hope of going to college into a belief that college is where they belong.

Jon Polley – Father of Hawkins Polley
Wow! What a great blessing BME is! In my many years of mentoring, training, and becoming a father figure to hundreds of athletes from the professional level all the way down to youth league participants, I have rarely seen the impact that BME imparts to its many athletes, coaches, and parents.

BME has established itself as a premier growth center for all who come in contact. The entire process is one that fosters great character both on and off the field and the many lessons and memories prepare BME athletes to accel in life.
Tony Thompson - Father of Blake and Braedon Thompson

What To Expect

Each of the young men in the BME athletic program are taught to be leaders and role models on and off the field.  

The BME Athlete is coached to represent themselves with integrity, respect for oneself and others, and to always maintain a code of ethics and values.  

Partnering with young athletes in their middle and high school years equips them with the confidence and preparation to face the ever-changing aspects of the world and life in general.

BME provides structure, instills principles, and builds lasting relationships with the athletes following the program.

Support from the community and business partners in greatly appreciated! The opportunity to invest in our youth not only impacts the here and now, but it will also help shape the future for generations to come.  As the old African Proverb says, “It takes a village.”

How To Contact Us

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